Saturday, January 01, 2011

1st day of 2011

the SR3A 3rd gathering...
at Alexis@TheGarden

teacher absent because of sick...
we talk ourself~
left 1 geng, right 1 geng~

feel good for this time gathering...
because a lot of best friends... or can say...
those friends who we having a same topic to talk....
all got came~~~
and my dear....
Shi Chyi~~ i really long long time didn't saw her adi~~~

a lot of photo and also..
my new hair style~~~=D

really hope that...
next year teacher can come...
all the people that at other countries can come back and meet up together....

GaiWen aaaa~~~
i miss you leh!!!!><

after gathering...
went to MV shopping with Miao, ShiChyi and also AhCa
buy a pants at SEED...
the fitting room...
queue a lot of people..
so... buy the pants without trying..=="

walk until 5pm like that finally back~~

really is tired + sleepy~~~hiahaha~~~~><

so.. happy new year~^^

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